*** mini Valentino RoRoRoRossi !!! ***@

mini Vale 2002

mini Vale 2004

mini Vale 2005 USA

mini Vale 2005

Which mini Vale is to control this hot hot ultimate race of four Vales ?

Woops !! 

mini Vale at 2004 YAMAHA first year will have changed the running line a little... 

Captured !! 

mini Vale at 2004 YAMAHA first year pierced the Inn of Vare at 2002 motoGP first year. 

Yes, Beautiful passing !!


mini Vale at 2004 will dive forcibly in 2005 festival Vare in USA. 

How do .....????

Passing !! Very clean passing !!!

"This is a race. "

The back figure of Vare at 2004 YAMAHA first year seems to talk so.

What ???

Passing ? ... Yes.... Mini Vale at 2002 motoGP invaded internally while 2005 festival Vale in USA flowed outside. It seems to have looked for the chance eagerly. 

Vare at 2002motoGP first year seems to talk this time. 

"This is a race. "


The Top is mini Vale at 2005 GAULOISES is sure to be in the tail !!!

Passed bringing three together at a dash. 


The miracle is indispensability to race.

Clay Riders